Home World News More or less blinking may be linked to health problems.

More or less blinking may be linked to health problems.

More or less blinking may be linked to health problems.

The average person blinks once every three to five seconds, and although we lose up to 10% of our daily visual input due to blinking, we usually don’t realize that we blink.

Blinking has many practical uses: it moistens and cleans the surface of the cornea and can protect the eyes from fast-moving objects; In some cases, changes in the number of blinks can also indicate health; Here are some possible causes of changes in blinking, and what health conditions they may indicate:

Decreased blinking may be one of the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease; Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that affects our attention and flexibility; Many experiments have shown that the frequency of spontaneous blinking reflects the activity of neurotransmitters in our brain. The less dopamine, the less we’ll focus on one thing and the less often we’ll blink. One of the characteristics of Parkinson’s disease is the loss of dopamine-producing nerves. cell.

Patients with the autoimmune disease Graves’ disease may also experience changes in blink frequency due to corneal damage; In addition to Parkinson’s disease, others such asthe strokesNervous system diseases such as neuralgia can also slow the normal blinking rate. Athletes can suffer from head injuries that cause their blink rate to slow down.

Blink frequency may increase when we perform more difficult tasks without sleep, such as driving while drowsy; If you find yourself blinking constantly, for the safety of others on the road and your own safety, please rest before hitting the road. Pain and exposure to bright light can also cause people to blink frequently.

Additionally, your body will also compensate or adapt to the discomfort caused by dry eye syndrome by increasing the frequency of blinking. There are many causes of dry eye syndrome, including Sjögren’s syndrome or medications such as antihistamines. Side effects.

People who stare at screens for long periods of time are also at risk of developing dry eye syndrome, because the frequency of blinking decreases when we look at screens.

If you plan to be in front of the computer for several hours, set an alarm and step away from the screen every 20 minutes to give your eyes a minute or two of rest. Also, “working blindly” is also a good idea. concept; It is recommended that you close your eyes and intentionally give your eyes a short break during daily work, such as making a phone call or waiting for the computer to start, etc., when you do not need to use your eyes. it occurs.
